Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Some women may not have any early pregnancy symptoms while others have every single symptom in the world! Early pregnancy symptoms can be tough, even if they come with utter delight and happiness.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, although bear in mind that there are no hard and fast rules. What is clear is that the body goes through some fairly quick emotional and physical changes, some of which can be pretty difficult for a woman.


Many women feel an overwhelming exhaustion in the first trimester of their pregnancy, i.e., in the first three months.  You know that feeling when you just have to put your head down and go to sleep at 5 pm? This is pretty common. The body has extra hormones surging through it and needs to adjust to carrying a new babe. Exhaustion, especially unexplained, could well be your pregnancy indicator, especially if you have been trying for a baby and have a few other symptoms too.

A missed period

This is the first indicator of pregnancy, but bear in mind that some women will have some spotting that could be mistaken for a period. If you miss a period and you have been trying to fall pregnant, you may want to do a pregnancy test fairly quickly. If you have had unprotected sex and you miss a period, do a pregnancy test quickly. Bottom line, unless you are quite sure you are not pregnant, or your cycle is always irregular, do a pregnancy test. And if your cycle is irregular, you should check it out anyway.

Morning sickness

There are many women who do not feel a moment of nausea, but there are others who spend their early mornings in the bathroom. Morning sickness strikes in the morning, but honestly, it can strike any time. Many pregnant women carry dry crackers with them, trying to stave off that horrible feeling. If you are waking early and running as quickly as you can to the bathroom, because of nausea, check it out. You may be pregnant.

Swollen breasts

It’s extraordinary how women, even a day or two after conception, can feel it in their breasts. Again, this is from the hormonal changes in the body.  Sore breast, swollen breasts, heavy breasts and larger breasts can all be early symptoms of pregnancy. They are also symptoms of menstruation though, which is why women often do not realise they are pregnant. Check it out!

Mood swings

Having a baby is fabulous. Pregnancy invokes all those feelings (in most women) of delight. Most women are naturally maternal but that doesn’t mean everyone is maternal. Some women might be shocked at their pregnancy and may need a little help to get through the many emotions. The thing is, while women may well want to have a baby and be incredibly happy at the news, they may still be moody! Mood swings go with the territory, which is a good thing for a partner to be aware of. Women might be extra weepy, a little snappy, or just have a lot of weird feelings surge through their mind and body all t the same time. If you are feeling tetchy, it might well be because you are pregnant. Do a test!


 We’ve all heard the stories of how pregnant women demand their partners drive to the store at midnight to get a jar of pickled cucumbers! Many women do have intense food cravings – or intense food aversions – and often they can be really weird. If you wake up and can only think of salty crackers, a jar of olives, crisps, or all of these foods, think that perhaps you might be pregnant. With pregnancy comes a need for extra sodium which is why salty, or sweet and sour foods, are often desired.

Pregnancy advice

 Any health care practitioner will suggest that all women visit the gynecologist regularly, for all the standard female checks and balances. Most women will or should see their gynecologist every six months. When pregnant, care is vital, and a gynecologist will give you a schedule for appointments, scans and regular checkups. If you think you are pregnant, you can do a home pregnancy test, but you really should see a gynecologist quickly too, just to check that everything is going well and is normal.

It’s important to have your pregnancy confirmed, and important that as a woman, you follow the right kind of diet and exercise program, and look after your health and your baby’s health. Your baby will develop at a certain rate, your gynecologist will check that all developments are good and normal, and you can be assured that your cravings for those salty peanuts are normal!  A gynecologist will also tell you that you’re sore breasts, mood swings, nausea and exhaustion are normal, and will help you deal with these feelings or problems.

Congratulations! You’re having a baby. Baby steps…